Friday, December 12, 2008

Baby pics of Ayden Marshall

He still has his splint on to protect the IV in his right hand. It was pretty cute watching him deal with it. He kept trying to suck on the splint. He didn't get frustrated, just seemed to take it in stride.
This was the first time after he was born that I got to hold him. He has little sensors and wires and an IV attached, so it was somewhat of a challenge to feed him the first time as well.

Right after he was born but before they checked his hematocrit levels. They had him under a warmer that was like an easy bake oven as far as I could tell. I think he got dehydrated from the lights and this caused his elevated RBC levels. Anyway, just after this they put an IV in his arm with a 10% dextrose solution to dilute his blood just a bit, since there was some concern of a stroke from blood that was too thick.

Last day just before we left the hospital. As you can see, he is as happy as we were about the situation. :-)

Look at that great big Yawn!


Melissa P said...

Samara! Congratulations!!!! Thats so funny, Paul and I only have a couple names we both like and Ayden is one of them! So sorry in advance if we use it too! Sounds like quite the experience, glad he is ok and you guys are home!

Dean and Ida said...

what a cute little guy that you have! congrats!! love you!!

Terry and Emalee said...

He's a cutie. Congratulations. and glad he's doing better.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

He's beautiful. Congratulations!