Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School season and Fall...2009

So, school is upon us again. Expensive books, brisk air and sharp pencils that hopefully lead to sharp minds. I hope that mine starts to feel that way soon.....

David is doing well and Ayden is growing up fast. He has his first tooth and is getting two more on top. David especially is enjoying his 2nd grade year. He has a great teacher and is enjoying spending some time with his grandparents during the week.

Ayden is crawling and climbing all over the place. Yesterday, he climbed up on the coffee table. I have decided that the wool shorties and longies are great. I especially like the wool longies for this cooler weather. They protect Ayden's legs really well and keep him warm and dry at the same time.

1 comment:

Terry and Emalee said...

Cute pics. Ayden is getting so big.